
Riwega cooperates with some of the most known organizations whose aim is to improve the building system, by organizing events and training programs adressed to all operators involved in buildings’ construction and renovation.
Their action is focused on promoting awareness on energy saving, sustainability and climate change.


Italian national association for breathable barriers and membranes. AISMT (Associazione Italiana Schermi e Membrane Traspiranti) aim is to set guidelines for the quality and the correct installation of breathable barriers and membranes.

Since June 2017 Claudio Pichler, Riwega’s technical director, is this association’s new president.

ANIT – Associazione per l’isolamento termico e acustico

ANIT is an Italian non-profit association born in 1984.

It aims to the diffusion and promotion of thermal and acustical insulation of buildings. Due to the well-being of people and environmental protection.

ARCA certificazione – ARchitettura Comfort Ambiente 

ARCA is the first certification system for wooden buildings. Its protocol guarantees the durability, safety against earthquakes and fire, energy saving, sustainability, materials and healthiness of your wooden house.


For more than 18 years, the ASSIMP Italia association has been the most important interlocutor for anyone who wants to work in the field of waterproofing, in a proactive context and dedicated to achieving concrete objectives in the regulatory field. The association acts as the spokesperson for small, medium and large specialist companies operating in this sector, enhancing their work.

CasaClima – KlimaHaus

CasaClima Agency has been founded in 2006 and is 100% owned by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, is a governmental organization which is not involved in the building process, but deals with energetic and environmental certification of buildings and products.

Now this Agency has certified almost 5000 building, distributed on the whole nation.

Consumo Cero

Consumo Cero is a group of companies committed to sustainable and efficient building.

Its aim is to facilitate the construction of low-energy houses in Spain, thus advising and promoting, stimulating, and supporting the market. Consumo Cero wants to make an important contribution to the United Nations’ goals so that humanity can better face the current global challenges for a more sustainable future.

Filiera Legno

The National Association of Wood Industries, Filiera Legno, focuses on this material, which is capable of combining environmental, social and governance values of our national landscape, with the aim of valuing territories. In collaboration with the Confindustria system, Filiera Legno is the platform that empowers institutions, industries, NGOs and research centers to dialogue and define strategic services for the industrial segment represented.

Gebäudehülle Schweiz

Gebäudehülle Schweiz is the leading organisation for building envelopes. As a national industry association, it offers a wide range of services and continuing education courses in the professional field of building shells. Together with four other associations, it trains around 900 specialists each year in the professions Building Envelope Builder, Facade Builder, Scaffolding Constructor and Roller Shutter Installer at the Polybau training centres in Uzwil Polybat in Les Paccots. The association represents the interests of more than 700 companies in the sector.


Home, Health & Hi-Tech

HHH, “Home, Health & Hi-tech,” is the community dedicated to the healthiness, wellness and sustainability of living: it is an independent communication project that promotes awareness of the right to health and wellness in confined spaces through competent information on indoor healthiness issues. The HHH project is aimed at everyone, especially professionals in the construction, health, and media sectors.

InRenova – Eurac Research

INnovative INterior INsulation Solutions to foster the RENOVAtion of Existing and Historical Buildings

The European ‘Renovation Wave’ strategy aims to double the annual renovation rate by 2030. However, current results are far from the ambitious European targets, making strategies to stimulate quality energy renovations necessary.
The InRenova project promotes the development of innovative interior insulation solutions for existing buildings and historic centres, which have so far been used below their potential. Two innovative processes are developed: one for companies to characterise the performance of materials and products for internal insulation and one for designers to evaluate design solutions for internal insulation.
These innovative processes combine advanced laboratory measurements of the hygrothermal properties of building materials (new innovative products, but also existing walls) and dynamic hygrothermal simulations.

Internationale Föderation des Dachdeckerhandwerks

The International Roofing Trade Federation – IFD, developed from an international working group founded in Munich in 1952 by four national roofing trade associations.

The initial aim was an overarching exchange of experience and a common, strong representation of interests. In the approximately 50 years of its existence, the IFD dedicated itself to common problems and became a lasting bond between the participating members. Today, numerous professional and trade associations, companies, manufacturers and trade organisations as well as industrial associations from the international roofing sector are members of the IFD worldwide. Thus, the IFD is the apex organisation of the worldwide roofing trade association.


Leader Company Groups with the goal of promoting technological, planning and building construction’s progress initiatives.

These companies engage themselves to publish a correct way of planning whose goals are the living comfort and low energetic consumption

nZEB Partners

Four companies, one goal: to empower the issues of energy efficiency and sustainability in construction by creating synergy and networking among industry players!
The nZEB Partners believe in the fundamental principles of sustainable development promoted by the United Nations: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Collaboration. Therefore, promote a business network specializing in the fields of sustainable building, energy efficiency, smart and clean technologies. It all translates into meetings, training and sharing activities that bring together minds willing to improve the world with innovative solutions, putting human and environmental well-being at the center of design.

PEP – Plataforma de Edificación Passivhaus

The “Plataforma de Edificación Passivhaus” (PEP) is a non-profit association dedicated to the dissemination of the Passivhaus standard and buildings with high comfort and maximum energy efficiency. Founded in 2008, the association currently has more than 800 members throughout Spain and is a member of the International Passive House Association and EuroPHit.