
Nido delle Rondino (TO)

The story of the village of Balboutet tells of an alternative way of life shaped by traditions, looking to the future of mountain villages in the Italian Alps.

In the course of the reconstruction of the historic building using modern techniques, a bed & breakfast was added to the residential house.

The construction system used includes solid glue-less CLT wood panels, all-natural. An ideal work environment for the companies Riwega, 3therm, and RoofRox, which have contributed decisively to the construction of this project with their systems for water-, air-, and windproofing, thermal and acoustic insulation, fixing, and joining systems.


Installed products Riwega

Riwega USB Wall 120

Riwega USB Micro Strong

Riwega Tape 1 PE

Wood construction screws and fastening systems RoofRox srl
Thermo-acoustic insulation systems 3therm srl